Sunday, October 5, 2008

a visit.

I was able to go back for a visit this past weekend, and God was so good! It was such a wonderful time. They are having ESL classes every Saturday, so I was able to go back and see everyone there and slip right back into teaching, which was wonderful. Stephen and I then went to visit Victoria, the leader of the Nashville community, to talk with her and begin work on my internship with Partners this fall.
We also had such a wonderful privilege of taking some donated toys to a widow and her three little girls. They had just moved into a new apartment and didn't have any toys, so we brought them a laundry basket full of books and stuffed animals. It was such a blessing to give and was easily the highlight of the day. The girls pulled out each toy with oohs and ahhs, just loving it. Stephen and I just soaked it in.
We then had a game night for the teenagers that went wonderfully! We easily became comfortable again, and being in school all day has improved their English so much, so we had a lot of fun.
It is such a privilege to live close enough to go back for visits! I think of friends who were overseas for the summer and aren't able to keep up those relationships. It has been such a blessing. As I speak, one of the American girls at the apartment complex that I met this summer is on her way to visit me in Arkansas and bring three of the Karen teenagers with her! We've got a week of fun ahead of us...
God has been so good. He not only blessed us in this summer with the Karen, but has enabled us to continue those relationships, with Stephen leading a bible study with them every week and helping out at ESL and my trips back for visits as often as I can. God is so good.

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