Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a long day.

Here's the update on the past couple days, for those of you following Rachel's trip! We played for awhile in the afternoon yesterday, but didn't get very many pictures because we were busy organizing games. We also went swimming with the kids last night and couldn't get many pictures, but they loved it.
Today was very long and busy. We taught English to three little boys this morning for nearly two hours, then taught an adult English class for the following two hours. We then went outside to play for four hours. We painted with the kids, played Go Fish, and then soccer. And after a break for dinner, we went back to learn Karen tonight. Stephen and I had our first lesson tonight with Kaw Hser, and Rachel came along to learn the three Karen alphabets.

This is the one picture from playing games yesterday afternoon.

The craziness of painting today.

Rachel and April

1 comment:

aunt penny said...

So exciting to see all the ways God works through you guys. Can't wait to hear the stories that go with the pictures. What sweet faces!

Aunt Penny